My Projects


brief : is a portfolio website to introduce me and my works. This site has a different with the previous one , it's code based. All implemented and designed by me.

technology :

Adobe XD , HTML5 , CSS3 , JavaScript , React JS , Next JS

Allegro Cultural Center

brief :

Allegro is an online menu for Allegro cultural center cafe.All implemented and designed by me.

technology :

Adobe XD , HTML5 , CSS3 , JavaScript , React JS , Next JS , TAilwind.CSS

Boomi Restaurant

brief :

Boomi is an online order and reservation for a restaurant. All implemented and designed by me.

technology :

Adobe XD , HTML5 , CSS3 , JavaScript , React JS , Next JS ,TAilwind.css

brief : is a portfolio website to introduce me and my works. All implemented and designed by me.

technology :

WordPress , Elementor .


brief :

FatimaCollection is a wemen's clothes brand that I made them an online-shop . This shop is eye-cathing and show the identity of brand.

technology :

WordPress , Elementor .